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The Miami Thong Lift and Seagull Lift are both cosmetic procedures designed to elevate and enhance the shape of the buttocks. While both surgeries aim to lift the buttocks for improved appearance, they differ in their approach and lifting capacity.

Miami Thong Lift vs. The Seagull Lift

The Miami Thong Lift strategically places scars between the buttocks, mimicking the placement of a thong’s resting point. This technique ensures that scars are discreetly hidden and minimizes their visibility. The Seagull Lift extends the scar placement just above the buttocks, aligning with where a thong waistband typically rests. This modification allows for a greater degree of lift and shaping, making it an ideal choice for individuals who need maximum lift and contouring.

Both the Miami Thong Lift and Seagull Lift are designed to help people that are bothered by a sagging and deflated-looking buttock. Commonly, these individuals have either experienced significant weight loss or large volume silicone removal. In these cases, the buttocks lose volume, fullness, and shape. This not only results in drooping buttock skin but what’s sometimes called a double butt deformity. A double butt deformity occurs when the lower aspect of the buttock overhangs onto the lower leg. The excess tissue creates a visible fold or bulge that extends below the natural contour of the buttocks.

Image of a woman's buttock for the gluteoplasty procedure. Photo for Marquis Plastic Surgery, Coral Gables, Miami, West Palm Beach, Florida.

The High-Definition Butt Lift

A Miami Thong Lift or Seagull Lift may be performed independently. However, it is often combined with other procedures to achieve a high-definition butt lift. By adopting a high-definition buttock lift approach, Dr. Desrosiers gains better control over final buttock height, projection, and width.

Why is a high-definition buttock lift commonly indicated? The Miami Thong Lift and Seagull Lift inherently reduce buttock size by excising a portion of each buttock to elevate it to a higher position. While these surgical procedures can bring about proportionate features for some patients, other patients may find that their buttocks remain either too wide, too narrow, or too flat.

To address this, Dr. Desrosiers offers custom tailored solutions. For patients with wider buttocks and hips, he employs liposuction to narrow the buttock width and hip circumference, enhancing proportions and contour. Conversely, for those with narrow buttocks, Dr. Desrosiers performs liposuction and strategically injects fat to increase buttock width and/or projection.

In addition, most patients undergoing a buttock lift benefit from 360-degree liposuction to the lower back, love handles, and lower abdomen. By carefully contouring these areas, Dr. Desrosiers enhances the buttock’s visual appeal and creates a more defined silhouette.

For certain patients that prefer to avoid additional liposuction and fat grafting surgeries, our practice offers the latest cutting-edge technology—specifically, Renuva® and Leneva® fat matrix injections. These products are long-lasting adipose matrix fillers approved by the FDA for sale in the US. These injections are performed in the office without a scalpel or general anesthesia.

This comprehensive approach allows for precise customization, helping each patient to achieve harmonious buttock proportions.

Image of buttocks for gluteoplasty. Photo for Marquis Plastic Surgery, Coral Gables, Miami, West Palm Beach, Florida.

How does Dr. Desrosiers help ensure the best gluteoplasty scars possible?

To help ensure the best scar outcome, Dr. Desrosiers employs a meticulous approach. First, understanding each patient’s unique response to sutures is important. During the consultation, Dr. Desrosiers and his staff will seek to understand your medical history, including any prior procedures and experiences with stitch abscesses or rejection, to tailor the surgical approach accordingly. Second, Dr. Desrosiers uses preoperative photos and marks the patient while standing, leaning, and lying down. He refers to these photos intraop and then uses a custom tailor tacking approach aimed at delivering precision. Third, Dr. Desrosiers may utilize slowly dissolving or permanent sutures beneath the skin to prevent scar widening until wound remodeling has transformed weak Type 3 collagen into more robust Type 1 collagen. Fourth, Dr. Desrosiers almost always requires the use of compression garments, not only to alleviate swelling but also to provide support to the tissues, minimizing tension on the scar line. Lastly, our practice offers cutting-edge treatments such as activated collagen gel, advanced silicone scar gel, and laser scar therapy, which have shown remarkable efficacy in promoting seamless scar formation for many patients.

Image of a woman's backside for the Miami Thong procedure. Photo for Marquis Plastic Surgery, Coral Gables, Miami, West Palm Beach, Florida.
Are you ready for a gluteoplasty or want to learn more?

Dr. Desrosiers understands that each patient is unique and requires individualized care. With his expertise and dedication to achieving exceptional results, Dr. Desrosiers is committed to guiding you through your gluteoplasty journey with confidence and support.

To learn more about gluteoplasty or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Desrosiers, please contact us at 305-403-2922 or concierge@ArthurMD.com. Let Dr. Desrosiers help you achieve the body of your dreams with advanced body contouring techniques and personalized care.

Woman's buttocks for Marquis Plastic Surgery, Gluteoplasty, Miam, West Palm Beach, FL.