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Earlobe Repair

Earlobe repair is a cosmetic procedure aimed at restoring the shape, symmetry, and integrity of the ear lobe following damage from gauging or a torn earlobe from earrings. Gauging refers to the practice of stretching the earlobe with progressively larger jewelry, which can result in elongated or distorted earlobes. Earlobe tears can occur due to trauma, heavy earrings, or prolonged wearing of earrings that gradually stretch the piercing hole.

During earlobe repair surgery, Dr. Desrosiers trims away any damaged or scarred tissue and repositions the remaining ear lobe to create a natural-looking contour. The procedure typically involves using fine sutures to close the wound and recreate the earlobe’s natural shape, alignment, and symmetry. In cases of gauging, excess tissue may need to be removed to restore a more proportionate appearance to the earlobe.

Earlobe repair surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia in the office, meaning the patient can return home the same day. Recovery time is relatively short, with most individuals able to resume normal activities within a few days. However, strenuous activities and wearing earrings should be avoided for several weeks to allow the earlobe to heal properly.

Image of an ear lope for ear lope repair, Marquis Plastic Surgery, Coral Gables, Miami, West Palm Beach, Florida.