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Clitoral Hood Reduction

A clitoral hood reduction is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing the size or prominence of the clitoral hood, the fold of skin that covers and protects the clitoris. Excess folds of the clitoral hood, or prepuce, can be reduced with a clitoral hood reduction. The procedure is often performed simultaneously with a labiaplasty. This procedure is typically performed to address concerns related to excess skin of the clitoral hood, which may cause discomfort, reduce sexual pleasure, and in some cases, be an aesthetic concern for some individuals.

Clitoral hood reduction surgery aims to alleviate these concerns by reshaping and reducing the size of the clitoral hood, enhancing both comfort and aesthetics. The procedure is tailored to each patient’s unique anatomy and cosmetic goals, with the goal of achieving a natural-looking result while preserving sensation and function in the clitoral area.

Image of woman with raised legs for clitoral hood reduction. Photo for Marquis Plastic Surgery, Coral Gables, Miami, West Palm Beach, Florida.

How is a clitoral hood reduction performed?

A clitoral hood reduction is usually done at the time of a labiaplasty. It is often performed in the office under sedation and local anesthesia.

The excess tissue is marked according to the individual’s anatomy. There is a wide variation in the shape and extent of folds. In some patients, the excision is performed as a “Y” extension off the labiaplasty. Closure is usually done with absorbable sutures.

What is recovery like?

During the procedure, dissolvable stitches are carefully placed, eliminating the need for later stitch removal. Following the surgery, patients are often advised to wear compression garments, such as snug leggings, along with several pads. This combination serves to maintain pressure on the surgical site, reducing the risk of hematoma formation. After approximately 72 hours, patients can typically discontinue using pads, while compression garments are usually recommended for an additional week to support proper healing and minimize swelling. This post-operative care regimen aims to optimize recovery and promote favorable outcomes following the procedure.

Image of a woman with hands to her legs for clitoral hood reduction. Photo for Marquis Plastic Surgery, Coral Gables, Miami, West Palm Beach, Florida.

What are the restrictions after a clitoral hood reduction?

Generally, with the long-acting local anesthetic that we use, most patients go back to work the next day. However, patients need to refrain from vaginal intercourse and tampon use for 4-6 weeks. Most other activities can be resumed in 1-2 weeks.

Do you want to learn more?

To learn more about clitoral hood reduction or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Desrosiers, please contact us at 305-403-2922 or concierge@ArthurMD.com.

Image of faceless woman in green panties for clitoral hood reduction procedure. Photo for Marquis Plastic Surgery, Coral Gables, Miami, West Palm Beach, Florida.