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Deep Plane Face Lift

What is a Deep Plane Face Lift?

At Marquis Plastic Surgery, we specialize in deep plane rhytidectomy, also known as a deep plane face lift. This advanced technique goes beyond conventional skin-only or SMAS face lifts to target deeper layers of tissue and achieve more comprehensive rejuvenation of the face and neck. The final result is aesthetically superior and more permanent than other methods of facelift procedures.

The deep plane technique involves dissecting beneath the SMAS layer, separating it from the underlying facial muscles. By accessing this deeper plane, ligamentous attachments that contribute to facial aging and descent can be released. This approach allows for more extensive mobilization and repositioning of the facial soft tissues, resulting in greater lifting and tightening effects compared to traditional SMAS face lifts. Additionally, because the dissection occurs deeper within the facial anatomy, there is often less tension on the skin during closure, reducing the risk of visible scarring and distortion of facial features (less of a “pulled look”). The deep plane technique is particularly beneficial for patients with significant mid-face descent and offers the potential for more natural-looking and long-lasting rejuvenation outcomes.

Image for deep plane face lift, Marquis Plastic Surgery, Coral Gables, Miami, West Palm Beach, Florida.

How Long Does a Deep Plane Face Lift Last?

With proper care, a Deep Plane Facelift typically last between 10 to 15 years on average but may last longer.

It’s important to note that while the initial results of the procedure are long-lasting, the aging process continues over time. Thus, some degree of natural aging and changes in facial appearance may occur gradually following the procedure. However, even as the years pass, patients often retain a more youthful and refreshed appearance compared to if they had not undergone a deep plane facelift.

To maximize the longevity of the results, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including proper skincare, sun protection, and avoiding smoking, can help preserve the effects of the Deep Plane Facelift for as long as possible. Additionally, some patients may choose to undergo maintenance procedures, such as non-invasive treatments (e.g., regular Botox® treatments, chemical peels, or Ellacor®), to further enhance and prolong their rejuvenated look.

Photo of a woman's face for deep plane facelift, surgical procedure, Marquis Plastic Surgery, Coral Gables, Miami, West Palm Beach, FL.

How Should I Prepare for A Deep Plane Face Lift?

Generally, it is important for patients to prioritize their overall health and nutrition. This proactive approach significantly impacts healing optimization and reduces recovery duration. Engaging in lifestyle adjustments, such as optimizing medication regimens, embracing healthy dietary habits, and ensuring adequate hydration, support a successful recovery process. Furthermore, innovative therapies like Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) offer promising avenues for enhancing wound healing and alleviating post-surgical swelling. By focusing on holistic pre-operative care, patients can lay a solid foundation for a smoother and more efficient recovery journey.

Additionally, you will want to ensure that you timely obtain all your preoperative clearances, facial compression garments, and wound care supplies. You will also want to fill all prescriptions and arrange for 2-3 weeks off work.

Photo of face for the Deep Plane Face Lift procedure, Marquis Plastic Surgery, Coral Gables, Miami, West Palm Beach, FL.
How Long Does It Take to Heal After a Deep Plane Face Lift?

Deep Plane Facelift recovery is a transformative journey, punctuated by notable milestones spanning the course of a year. Before embarking on this rejuvenating procedure, understanding the intricacies of the healing process is important. While each patient’s experience is unique, having a general timeline can offer patients valuable insights into what to anticipate.

1-3 Months After: Gradual Recovery

Over the following months, patients undergo slow but steady overall changes in recovery. Swelling gradually subsides, with residual swelling observed in areas such as the lower cheeks and jawline. Sensory improvements, including the retreat of numbness and tingling sensations, become more pronounced during this phase.

3+ Months After: Final Stages of Healing

Between three to six months post-surgery, patients approach their final results, with swelling largely resolved and facial features defined. Incisions fade, and sensory restoration is typically complete, marking a significant milestone in the recovery journey.

6-12 Months After: Refinement and Completion

From six to twelve months, gradual refinement continues, resulting in a natural appearance as soft tissues settle. By the twelfth month, visible and microscopic signs of recovery are essentially complete, showcasing the full potential of the facelift procedure.

First 7 to 10 Days: The Initial Phase

The first week post-surgery is characterized by significant swelling and bruising, with varying levels of discomfort among patients. Patients will generally have drains and need to wear a facial compression garment nearly 24 hours a day. While pain can be managed with prescribed medication, most individuals experience a notable decrease in pain levels within the first 2-4 days. Swelling and bruising are expected during this time. Patients are generally fully off work during this time as rest and relaxation at home is very important.

Around day five, swelling typically begins to decrease. Sutures are commonly removed between days seven and ten, with noticeable progress in swelling reduction by the tenth day. While patients may not be ready for public appearances, they experience a notable improvement in overall comfort and mobility.

Day 10 to 20: Continued Progress

Patients can expect gradual daily improvement in swelling and bruising. By the three-week mark, individuals can typically resume light social activities.

Day 20-30: Re-emergence

By the third week, most patients can conceal incisions with hair and makeup. While some swelling persists, many patients feel presentable and comfortable engaging in routine activities. Patients may also be cleared to resume light exercise – such as brisk walking.

Where are the Scars for a Deep Plane Facelift?

Where scars are placed depends on the patient’s anatomy and surgical goals. However, some of the most common areas where incisions are made, include:

  • In the hair line behind the ear
  • In the hair line above the ear
  • Inside the ear or along the junction between the ear and the face
  • Under the chin (if a combined deep plane neck and face lift is performed).

Scars placed in the hairline are generally not easily visualized. Further, instead of placing the scar fully in front of the ear, Dr. Desrosiers can place an incision behind the tragus cartilage of the ear. This helps make the incision sites less visible.

Face procedure, deep plane facelift, Marquis Plastic Surgery, Coral Gables, Miami, West Palm Beach, FL.
How Does Dr. Desrosiers Help Ensure the Best Deep Plane Face Lift Scars Possible?

To help ensure the best scar outcome, Dr. Desrosiers employs a meticulous approach. First, understanding each patient’s unique response to sutures is important. During the consultation, Dr. Desrosiers and his staff will seek to understand your medical history, including any prior procedures and experiences with stitch abscesses or rejection, to tailor the surgical approach accordingly. Second, Dr. Desrosiers uses preoperative photos and markings and refers back to the photos intraop and then uses a tailor tacking approach to deliver precision. Third, Dr. Desrosiers may utilize slowly dissolving or permanent sutures beneath the skin to prevent scar widening until wound remodeling has transformed weak Type 3 collagen into more robust type 1 collagen. Fourth, Dr. Desrosiers almost always requires the use of compression garments, not only to alleviate swelling but also to provide support to the tissues, minimizing tension on the scar line. Lastly, our practice offers cutting-edge treatments such as advanced silicone scar gels and laser scar therapies, which have shown remarkable efficacy in promoting seamless scar formation for many patients.

Image of a woman for facelift procedure. Photo for Marquis Plastic Surgery, Coral Gables, Miami, West Palm Beach, Florida.
Are You Ready For A Deep Plane Face Lift Or Want To Learn More?

Dr. Desrosiers understands that each patient is unique and requires individualized care. With his expertise and dedication to achieving exceptional results, Dr. Desrosiers is committed to guiding you through your deep plane facelift journey with confidence and support.

To learn more about deep plane face lifts or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Desrosiers, please contact us at 305-403-2922 or concierge@ArthurMD.com. Let Dr. Desrosiers help you achieve the body of your dreams with advanced body contouring techniques and personalized care.

Image for deep plane face lift. Photo for Marquis Plastic Surgery, Coral Gables, Miami, West Palm Beach, Florida.